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Biogas From Press Mud

Sugar Mill Generate significant quantity of the Pressmud during the process in Juice clarification stage. The Pressmud so generated is highly organic in nature with significant concentration of sugar. Pressmud is a source of organic matter, which can be decomposed anaerobically and can be converted into methane rich biogas. High fiber and humus content also make Pressmud a good source of organic manure. Therefore, the post anaerobic compost separation of the solids in Pressmud is a good source of manure.


The process offered by MM Enviro is based on principle of complete mixed Anaerobic system. Pretreatment and provisions for mixing, slurry preparation, grit and coarse fiber separation is provided. The scope is limited to Generation of Biogas from the Pressmud. The Biogas so generated can either be used as a fuel in boiler or Can be used in Biogas engine for generation of power. The biogas can also be converted into CNG by scrubbing for H2S & CO2 removal & Compressing for bottling.

The proposed system shall consist of following treatment units:

• Receiving Hopper

• Slurry Preparation cum Mixing Tank

• Grit Chamber

• Screen Chamber

• Buffer Tank

• Digester

• Degasser Tower

• Screw Press

• Gas Holder

• Flare Stack